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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69522 Members
We'll be adding more communities soon!
© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
> When people realized they could no longer present versions of themselves geared to different audiences — it was all one audience now — they had to grapple with a new sort of identity crisis. > The problem is not a lack of context. It is context collapse: an infinite number of contexts collapsing upon one another into that single moment of recording. > But just as Zuckerberg was declaring context collapse an inevitability, the public rebelled. Desiring to keep social spheres separate, people began looking for ways to reestablish the old social boundaries within the new media environment. We decided — most of us, anyway — that we don’t want all the world to be our stage, at least not all the time.
> When people realized they could no longer present versions of themselves geared to different audiences — it was all one audience now — they had to grapple with a new sort of identity crisis. > The problem is not a lack of context. It is context collapse: an infinite number of contexts collapsing upon one another into that single moment of recording. > But just as Zuckerberg was declaring context collapse an inevitability, the public rebelled. Desiring to keep social spheres separate, people began looking for ways to reestablish the old social boundaries within the new media environment. We decided — most of us, anyway — that we don’t want all the world to be our stage, at least not all the time.
This is really an insightful gem. Thank you for highlighting it.
This is really an insightful gem. Thank you for highlighting it.
This is a great find, thanks for sharing! This collapse of context is actually a major motivating factor for creating Relevant, although it’s not a novel idea - Reddit does this rather well, and perhaps the best example of a strong single context is Hacker news.
This is a great find, thanks for sharing! This collapse of context is actually a major motivating factor for creating Relevant, although it’s not a novel idea - Reddit does this rather well, and perhaps the best example of a strong single context is Hacker news.
Ok i give voted you give me
Ok i give voted you give me
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