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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69516 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
“Here’s a way to understand our present condition: the entire ideological highway system has run into an end-of-evolution barrier. History may or may not have ended, but this particular globally shared experience of historical time has at least dead-ended. That’s why the metaphor of a before/after corona watershed event is so compelling.”
“Here’s a way to understand our present condition: the entire ideological highway system has run into an end-of-evolution barrier. History may or may not have ended, but this particular globally shared experience of historical time has at least dead-ended. That’s why the metaphor of a before/after corona watershed event is so compelling.”
This piece emphasizes how a “being-towards-future” creates the present. This kind of thinking is at least latent (if not borderline explicit) in Heidegger’s Being and Time and Aristotle’s teleological notions generally, but usually given a focus within the individual. A “way out” is a way back around through an iterative process ideology. Hanzi Freinacht / metamoderna suggest a move to a kind of self-aware social autopoesis, where the structures become consciously explored, debated, and modified leading to a politics of process.
This piece emphasizes how a “being-towards-future” creates the present. This kind of thinking is at least latent (if not borderline explicit) in Heidegger’s Being and Time and Aristotle’s teleological notions generally, but usually given a focus within the individual. A “way out” is a way back around through an iterative process ideology. Hanzi Freinacht / metamoderna suggest a move to a kind of self-aware social autopoesis, where the structures become consciously explored, debated, and modified leading to a politics of process.
The idea of ​​the future, as the direction of highways, is interesting. But it confuses me that the article constantly focuses on ideology. In my opinion, ideology is a personality factor. Like faith in god. One believes in one god, the other in another. Both are right, but in their own way. But objectively, in reality, it can be that both are not rps. After all, the existence of the gods is impossible to prove in a scientific way. The existence of God and faith in him is a subjective assessment of each. So is ideology. Hitler had her own, Communists had her own, but this does not mean that the presence of ideology may open up possibilities for projecting the future for mankind as a species. People, in principle, tend to be deceived in everything. This is the structure of the human brain. Therefore, I believe that this article, although curious, is more creative or narrow-format than global.
The idea of ​​the future, as the direction of highways, is interesting. But it confuses me that the article constantly focuses on ideology. In my opinion, ideology is a personality factor. Like faith in god. One believes in one god, the other in another. Both are right, but in their own way. But objectively, in reality, it can be that both are not rps. After all, the existence of the gods is impossible to prove in a scientific way. The existence of God and faith in him is a subjective assessment of each. So is ideology. Hitler had her own, Communists had her own, but this does not mean that the presence of ideology may open up possibilities for projecting the future for mankind as a species. People, in principle, tend to be deceived in everything. This is the structure of the human brain. Therefore, I believe that this article, although curious, is more creative or narrow-format than global.
corona changed the world..
corona changed the world..
After every great crisis, like corona pandemic opens up many socio-economic ideological aspects of our life. People may involved in ideological battle, but we should not choose the wrong pathway. Sometimes crisis teach us a lot. May God bless all. >"Liminality is hard to navigate, and one can be forgiven for flailing gracelessly when attempting to do so. What makes me impatient though, is people not even recognizing liminality when it is all a…"
After every great crisis, like corona pandemic opens up many socio-economic ideological aspects of our life. People may involved in ideological battle, but we should not choose the wrong pathway. Sometimes crisis teach us a lot. May God bless all. >"Liminality is hard to navigate, and one can be forgiven for flailing gracelessly when attempting to do so. What makes me impatient though, is people not even recognizing liminality when it is all a…"
Find the source!Against that system
Find the source!Against that system
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