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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69475 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
This impartiality is a consequence of red-lining, even though this was outlawed decades ago. Should banks be incentivised to lend more in black and hispanic areas via government guarantees as a way of atonement for red-lining?
This impartiality is a consequence of red-lining, even though this was outlawed decades ago. Should banks be incentivised to lend more in black and hispanic areas via government guarantees as a way of atonement for red-lining?
>"In Chicago, lenders have invested more in a single white neighborhood than all the black neighborhoods combined. Call it modern-day redlining."
>"In Chicago, lenders have invested more in a single white neighborhood than all the black neighborhoods combined. Call it modern-day redlining."
The profit opportunities are more significant in white neighborhoods. Loans seek to maximize their exposure and the wealthy are the source.
The profit opportunities are more significant in white neighborhoods. Loans seek to maximize their exposure and the wealthy are the source.
Home ownership is a key way to give residents a greater level of investment in the community and would help some of these areas get away from the violence and poverty you read about in Chicago.
Home ownership is a key way to give residents a greater level of investment in the community and would help some of these areas get away from the violence and poverty you read about in Chicago.
>"In Chicago, lenders have invested more in a single white neighborhood than all the black neighborhoods combined. Call it modern-day redlining."
>"In Chicago, lenders have invested more in a single white neighborhood than all the black neighborhoods combined. Call it modern-day redlining."
This kind of situation are really hard to explain. For sure there are political component but you are intelligent enough to see the difference between the real protestors and the idiot's. This wave of "dissatisfaction" didn't start after floyd death but much much earlier, what do you think was the target of malcolm X or M.L.King? You can't only look at the result without looking the cause, because the truth is exactly between.
This kind of situation are really hard to explain. For sure there are political component but you are intelligent enough to see the difference between the real protestors and the idiot's. This wave of "dissatisfaction" didn't start after floyd death but much much earlier, what do you think was the target of malcolm X or M.L.King? You can't only look at the result without looking the cause, because the truth is exactly between.
Очень может быть. Признаюсь, что я не силен в политике США. Я просто пытаюсь анализировать. Протесты были и ранее. Были и ранее подобные случаю, как с Флойдом. Казалось бы, ничего необычного. Есть преступник с оружием и есть полицейский. Но в этот раз, мне кажется, ситуацией кто-то умело воспользовался. Есть много адекватного цветного населения, которое в этом не желает участвовать. Эти грабежи, убийства совершают обычные бандиты. А у бандитов нет цвета кожи.
Очень может быть. Признаюсь, что я не силен в политике США. Я просто пытаюсь анализировать. Протесты были и ранее. Были и ранее подобные случаю, как с Флойдом. Казалось бы, ничего необычного. Есть преступник с оружием и есть полицейский. Но в этот раз, мне кажется, ситуацией кто-то умело воспользовался. Есть много адекватного цветного населения, которое в этом не желает участвовать. Эти грабежи, убийства совершают обычные бандиты. А у бандитов нет цвета кожи.
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.