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In this essay, Guy from a16z crypto proposes a new term, "Tokenology,” to designate "the study" of how to coordinate people, organizations, and/or computation towards a common goal, primarily through the use of cryptography and mechanism design. Tokens can be used for ownership, alignment, incentive structures, and accessing goods and services. The value represented by tokens is a vector, not a scalar, and most people conflate "value" and "money". A new term, such as Tokenology, may help usher in a new and richer era of token design, rather than being stuck with simplistic and centralized forms of token economies that we often see today.
In this essay, Guy from a16z crypto proposes a new term, "Tokenology,” to designate "the study" of how to coordinate people, organizations, and/or computation towards a common goal, primarily through the use of cryptography and mechanism design. Tokens can be used for ownership, alignment, incentive structures, and accessing goods and services. The value represented by tokens is a vector, not a scalar, and most people conflate "value" and "money". A new term, such as Tokenology, may help usher in a new and richer era of token design, rather than being stuck with simplistic and centralized forms of token economies that we often see today.
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