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This piece from a16z crypto outlines a new NFT launch strategy: the wave mint. The success of an NFT project heavily relies on the minting process and the community it attracts. The traditional approach of giving away NFTs for free to involve people in a project often leads to problems such as botnets and "tourists" who have no interest in engaging with the project. A wave mint is a new minting strategy that invites members of different NFT communities to mint in a series of waves, starting with closely overlapping communities and gradually expanding outwards. This mechanism leverages people's on-chain data and reputation to select holders who are well matched to a project's culture and goals while avoiding problems associated with free mints. However, executing a wave mint can be complex and requires careful synchronization between front- and back-end teams, and there are security risks associated with it.
This piece from a16z crypto outlines a new NFT launch strategy: the wave mint. The success of an NFT project heavily relies on the minting process and the community it attracts. The traditional approach of giving away NFTs for free to involve people in a project often leads to problems such as botnets and "tourists" who have no interest in engaging with the project. A wave mint is a new minting strategy that invites members of different NFT communities to mint in a series of waves, starting with closely overlapping communities and gradually expanding outwards. This mechanism leverages people's on-chain data and reputation to select holders who are well matched to a project's culture and goals while avoiding problems associated with free mints. However, executing a wave mint can be complex and requires careful synchronization between front- and back-end teams, and there are security risks associated with it.
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