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A community for the latest discussions about the cutting edge of crypto design, it's culture and significant crypto news. Decentralize everything. Check out our [Community Guidelines](https://relevant.community/crypto/post/6122269e61d1cd005a877277/62427d3ed587ad005b647828)
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This essay from Sangeet Paul Choudary provides a teardown in one of the most important web3 strategies: leveraging power users. Sangeet lays out 6 strategies to do so, including piggybacking web2 social graphs, NFT signaling, and structuring power governance for power users. Leveraging power users in web3 has been one of the clear use cases since the rise of NFTs, and it is only becoming more fruitful as we develop and implement new best practices. Sangeet’s guiding philosophy here is simple: while the promise of web3 is user-ownership, it will help folks who are already looking to monetize on web2 platforms first, before it can ever be effective for large audiences.
This essay from Sangeet Paul Choudary provides a teardown in one of the most important web3 strategies: leveraging power users. Sangeet lays out 6 strategies to do so, including piggybacking web2 social graphs, NFT signaling, and structuring power governance for power users. Leveraging power users in web3 has been one of the clear use cases since the rise of NFTs, and it is only becoming more fruitful as we develop and implement new best practices. Sangeet’s guiding philosophy here is simple: while the promise of web3 is user-ownership, it will help folks who are already looking to monetize on web2 platforms first, before it can ever be effective for large audiences.
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