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>"ZK-SNARKs are a powerful cryptographic tool, and an increasingly important part of the applications that people are building both in the blockchain space and beyond. But they are complicated, both in terms of how they work, and in terms of how you can use them."
>"ZK-SNARKs are a powerful cryptographic tool, and an increasingly important part of the applications that people are building both in the blockchain space and beyond. But they are complicated, both in terms of how they work, and in terms of how you can use them."
Great post. The uses for ZK-Snarks are very varied and not just about private money. I love that they are able to prove something without revealing anything else apart from the proof. Truly a breakthrough in privacy but still much to do before we see them applied in other fashions apart from private money, but this will happen imo.
Great post. The uses for ZK-Snarks are very varied and not just about private money. I love that they are able to prove something without revealing anything else apart from the proof. Truly a breakthrough in privacy but still much to do before we see them applied in other fashions apart from private money, but this will happen imo.
Thanks Druss , everyone should know this helpful tool !
Thanks Druss , everyone should know this helpful tool !
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.