A community for the latest discussions about the cutting edge of crypto design, it's culture and significant crypto news. Decentralize everything. Check out our [Community Guidelines](https://relevant.community/crypto/post/6122269e61d1cd005a877277/62427d3ed587ad005b647828)
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
A community for the latest discussions about the cutting edge of crypto design, it's culture and significant crypto news. Decentralize everything. Check out our [Community Guidelines](https://relevant.community/crypto/post/6122269e61d1cd005a877277/62427d3ed587ad005b647828)
53670 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
"Building digital dual power means building digital democracy - platforms, protocols and toolkits that can be co-designed and co-governed to serve collective needs over individual capital gain. By creating this infrastructure, we can establish freedom from the current digital dictatorship that is designed solely to extract value by selling, surveilling, and data mining. These tools, built under strict demand to return profit, will never be effective agents for anything but extraction. While the majority of tech platforms are run this way, there is a growing movement to change this paradigm in and outside of web3. Teams are using the affordances of blockchains for making built-in democratic political structures for the digital tools we rely on in this day and age."
"Building digital dual power means building digital democracy - platforms, protocols and toolkits that can be co-designed and co-governed to serve collective needs over individual capital gain. By creating this infrastructure, we can establish freedom from the current digital dictatorship that is designed solely to extract value by selling, surveilling, and data mining. These tools, built under strict demand to return profit, will never be effective agents for anything but extraction. While the majority of tech platforms are run this way, there is a growing movement to change this paradigm in and outside of web3. Teams are using the affordances of blockchains for making built-in democratic political structures for the digital tools we rely on in this day and age."
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.