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A community for the latest discussions about the cutting edge of crypto design, it's culture and significant crypto news. Decentralize everything. Check out our [Community Guidelines](https://relevant.community/crypto/post/6122269e61d1cd005a877277/62427d3ed587ad005b647828)
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"Nowadays, the intrinsic value in the financial games is based on incentives. Unlike the dollar, for example, in which its value lies in the "guarantee" that the American government gives and in the need to trust that the rulers will maintain a healthy economic system, cryptocurrencies achieve their value in decentralization and in the non-necessity of trusting in a central entity, individuals are the cause and the product of the system. Contrary to what some maximalist fiats think, once a group believes in and uses a system as a bargaining chip, it will have intrinsic value - just as shells were legitimate bargaining chips in Pacifical islands villages - ,as long as it meets requirements such as fungibility, security in not being tampered with, being somewhat scarce etc. With this in mind, it can be understood that a tokenomics (the token economy) is of great value to a game from the moment it proposes interesting incentives to its players and create the token’s value."
"Nowadays, the intrinsic value in the financial games is based on incentives. Unlike the dollar, for example, in which its value lies in the "guarantee" that the American government gives and in the need to trust that the rulers will maintain a healthy economic system, cryptocurrencies achieve their value in decentralization and in the non-necessity of trusting in a central entity, individuals are the cause and the product of the system. Contrary to what some maximalist fiats think, once a group believes in and uses a system as a bargaining chip, it will have intrinsic value - just as shells were legitimate bargaining chips in Pacifical islands villages - ,as long as it meets requirements such as fungibility, security in not being tampered with, being somewhat scarce etc. With this in mind, it can be understood that a tokenomics (the token economy) is of great value to a game from the moment it proposes interesting incentives to its players and create the token’s value."
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