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A community for the latest discussions about the cutting edge of crypto design, it's culture and significant crypto news. Decentralize everything. Check out our [Community Guidelines](https://relevant.community/crypto/post/6122269e61d1cd005a877277/62427d3ed587ad005b647828)
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"The blockchain industry is coming under increasing scrutiny — but that isn't stopping crypto interests from enlisting allies in Washington’s halls of power"
"The blockchain industry is coming under increasing scrutiny — but that isn't stopping crypto interests from enlisting allies in Washington’s halls of power"
What did they expect crypto to do! Of course they are going to use the same lobbying methods as others. After all there are no laws against that, and it seems to be part of the natural political process! On a side note I still find it mind-blowing how the left side of the political spectrum have no clue about the society/community building prospects of crypto. Like the Jacobin, most still remain completed blinkered to this. They'll still be moaning about loss of union power and lack of cooperatives whilst daos take over the world. I guess the left has its own power structures and networks that they feel are threatened by it!
What did they expect crypto to do! Of course they are going to use the same lobbying methods as others. After all there are no laws against that, and it seems to be part of the natural political process! On a side note I still find it mind-blowing how the left side of the political spectrum have no clue about the society/community building prospects of crypto. Like the Jacobin, most still remain completed blinkered to this. They'll still be moaning about loss of union power and lack of cooperatives whilst daos take over the world. I guess the left has its own power structures and networks that they feel are threatened by it!
The reason is they can't control.
The reason is they can't control.
Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.
Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.