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>"Satoshi’s innovation enabled global consensus without a centralized authority, thus creating the first truly trust-free monetary system."
>"Satoshi’s innovation enabled global consensus without a centralized authority, thus creating the first truly trust-free monetary system."
IIRC the most interesting part of bitcoins early use is that Nakamoto consensus wasn’t formally proven in the BTC white paper. An entire new financial system running on a new, unproven consensus system
IIRC the most interesting part of bitcoins early use is that Nakamoto consensus wasn’t formally proven in the BTC white paper. An entire new financial system running on a new, unproven consensus system
Thanks for posting I decent read on the topic of Nakamoto Consensus. This article is a nice accompaniment on Byzantine Fault Tolerance which gets mentioned quite a bit. [https://medium.com/loom-network/understanding-blockchain-fundamentals-part-1-byzantine-fault-tolerance-245f46fe8419](https://medium.com/loom-network/understanding-blockchain-fundamentals-part-1-byzantine-fault-tolerance-245f46fe8419)
Thanks for posting I decent read on the topic of Nakamoto Consensus. This article is a nice accompaniment on Byzantine Fault Tolerance which gets mentioned quite a bit. [https://medium.com/loom-network/understanding-blockchain-fundamentals-part-1-byzantine-fault-tolerance-245f46fe8419](https://medium.com/loom-network/understanding-blockchain-fundamentals-part-1-byzantine-fault-tolerance-245f46fe8419)
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.