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A community for the latest discussions about the cutting edge of crypto design, it's culture and significant crypto news. Decentralize everything. Check out our [Community Guidelines](https://relevant.community/crypto/post/6122269e61d1cd005a877277/62427d3ed587ad005b647828)
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"The Hermitage, the world’s largest museum, has partnered with Binance to auction off the NFTs for five of its most important pieces. We already knew that 2021 is the year of NFTs, a market that is moving billions of dollars. So far, the highest-paid work for is Beeple’s “Everydays: The First 5000 Days,” purchased for $ 69.3 million. It also highlights the purchase of Cryptopunk [#7523](/crypto/new/7523) for almost 12 million dollars."
"The Hermitage, the world’s largest museum, has partnered with Binance to auction off the NFTs for five of its most important pieces. We already knew that 2021 is the year of NFTs, a market that is moving billions of dollars. So far, the highest-paid work for is Beeple’s “Everydays: The First 5000 Days,” purchased for $ 69.3 million. It also highlights the purchase of Cryptopunk [#7523](/crypto/new/7523) for almost 12 million dollars."
the future of NFT is very promising, more and more artists and museums are adopting this technology.
the future of NFT is very promising, more and more artists and museums are adopting this technology.
if something is non-fungible, this is impossible - it means it has unique properties so it cannot be interchanged with something else.
if something is non-fungible, this is impossible - it means it has unique properties so it cannot be interchanged with something else.
Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.
Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.