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Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Shark Tank star Mark Cuban see dogecoin as the “strongest” cryptocurrency when it comes to using it as a means of payment. To promote the use of dogecoin further, the NBA team Dallas Mavericks will be offering “special pricing for those who pay with dogecoin.” [https://news.bitcoin.com/gofrom/recent_posts/elon-musk-mark-cuban-dogecoin-strongest-cryptocurrency-payments](https://news.bitcoin.com/gofrom/recent_posts/elon-musk-mark-cuban-dogecoin-strongest-cryptocurrency-payments)
Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Shark Tank star Mark Cuban see dogecoin as the “strongest” cryptocurrency when it comes to using it as a means of payment. To promote the use of dogecoin further, the NBA team Dallas Mavericks will be offering “special pricing for those who pay with dogecoin.” [https://news.bitcoin.com/gofrom/recent_posts/elon-musk-mark-cuban-dogecoin-strongest-cryptocurrency-payments](https://news.bitcoin.com/gofrom/recent_posts/elon-musk-mark-cuban-dogecoin-strongest-cryptocurrency-payments)
Tesla and Spacex CEO Elon Musk and the billionaire owner of the NBA team Dallas Mavericks, Mark Cuban, have affirmed their belief that the meme cryptocurrency dogecoin is the “strongest” cryptocurrency when it comes to paying for goods and services. [https://news.bitcoin.com/gofrom/recent_posts/elon-musk-mark-cuban-dogecoin-strongest-cryptocurrency-payments](https://news.bitcoin.com/gofrom/recent_posts/elon-musk-mark-cuban-dogecoin-strongest-cryptocurrency-payments)
Tesla and Spacex CEO Elon Musk and the billionaire owner of the NBA team Dallas Mavericks, Mark Cuban, have affirmed their belief that the meme cryptocurrency dogecoin is the “strongest” cryptocurrency when it comes to paying for goods and services. [https://news.bitcoin.com/gofrom/recent_posts/elon-musk-mark-cuban-dogecoin-strongest-cryptocurrency-payments](https://news.bitcoin.com/gofrom/recent_posts/elon-musk-mark-cuban-dogecoin-strongest-cryptocurrency-payments)
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