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>"A DeFi grant proposal on Uniswap has gone awry, with the grantees market selling 500,000 UNI tokens shortly after earning approval."
>"A DeFi grant proposal on Uniswap has gone awry, with the grantees market selling 500,000 UNI tokens shortly after earning approval."
>"A DeFi grant proposal on Uniswap has gone awry, with the grantees market selling 500,000 UNI tokens shortly after earning approval."
>"A DeFi grant proposal on Uniswap has gone awry, with the grantees market selling 500,000 UNI tokens shortly after earning approval."
HarvardLawBFI were awarded a large Uniswap grant for defi-educational purposes and then proceeded to dump half of the UNI tokens granted. Obviously some are concerned about this and how the money will be spent. There are also concerns that HarvardLawBFI (Who hold a significant amount of UNI) may have managed to vote through a proposal that gives them a "slush fund" that could be used to hire people from HarvardLawBFI or those close to it.
HarvardLawBFI were awarded a large Uniswap grant for defi-educational purposes and then proceeded to dump half of the UNI tokens granted. Obviously some are concerned about this and how the money will be spent. There are also concerns that HarvardLawBFI (Who hold a significant amount of UNI) may have managed to vote through a proposal that gives them a "slush fund" that could be used to hire people from HarvardLawBFI or those close to it.
Thanks for a brief explanation ! Uniswap is the biggest governance project. Everybody like UNI tokens and they hold. They also distributed their first airdrops about 400UNI(~1200$) to each 12000 addresses in 2020. There are many people who work on relevant got those airdrops. Defi education is a good idea for generation. And also that sold doesn't impact the price so much.
Thanks for a brief explanation ! Uniswap is the biggest governance project. Everybody like UNI tokens and they hold. They also distributed their first airdrops about 400UNI(~1200$) to each 12000 addresses in 2020. There are many people who work on relevant got those airdrops. Defi education is a good idea for generation. And also that sold doesn't impact the price so much.
There's a reason why in the art world only a fraction of the grant is being paid out in advance and most only after you provided documentation of the project (which can be in CTM Festival's case up to 1500 pages in one year across multiple projects).
There's a reason why in the art world only a fraction of the grant is being paid out in advance and most only after you provided documentation of the project (which can be in CTM Festival's case up to 1500 pages in one year across multiple projects).
Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.
Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.