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I worry that using such an unstable currency system will lead to an unsteady economy and won’t actually help fix global inequities.
I worry that using such an unstable currency system will lead to an unsteady economy and won’t actually help fix global inequities.
Best solution... make a money exchange. Make all old money worthless in the next 10 year. Only money converted into property, product, making renewable energy, or providing low income people with their needs will translate into wealth. If you don't your bills, or accounts will become useless. Think Pesos. Your thousand dollars is not worth 10. Million only a thousand. If you don't invest in your society for it's betterment. If you don't do it in the next ten years. It will become essentially worthless paper.
Best solution... make a money exchange. Make all old money worthless in the next 10 year. Only money converted into property, product, making renewable energy, or providing low income people with their needs will translate into wealth. If you don't your bills, or accounts will become useless. Think Pesos. Your thousand dollars is not worth 10. Million only a thousand. If you don't invest in your society for it's betterment. If you don't do it in the next ten years. It will become essentially worthless paper.
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.