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A community for the latest discussions about the cutting edge of crypto design, it's culture and significant crypto news. Decentralize everything. Check out our [Community Guidelines](https://relevant.community/crypto/post/6122269e61d1cd005a877277/62427d3ed587ad005b647828)
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Most wallets and transactions are handled off-chain by the cartel of exchange platforms. In practice, Bitcoin is more centralized than the banking system.
Most wallets and transactions are handled off-chain by the cartel of exchange platforms. In practice, Bitcoin is more centralized than the banking system.
Excellent debunking. In practice Franck's numbers are super conservative. In practice, it's far worse for BTC.I was going to be critical of small mistakes... but decided, after reading the entire article... and many of the associated links... that I am thoughtful.This article talks about monetary centralisation. But when maxis talk about decentralisation, they only care about full nodes.
Excellent debunking. In practice Franck's numbers are super conservative. In practice, it's far worse for BTC.I was going to be critical of small mistakes... but decided, after reading the entire article... and many of the associated links... that I am thoughtful.This article talks about monetary centralisation. But when maxis talk about decentralisation, they only care about full nodes.
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.