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A community for the latest discussions about the cutting edge of crypto design, it's culture and significant crypto news. Decentralize everything. Check out our [Community Guidelines](https://relevant.community/crypto/post/6122269e61d1cd005a877277/62427d3ed587ad005b647828)
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>"DeFi protocol PancakeBunny was exploited for $45 million in $BUNNY tokens. Here's a look at what happened."
>"DeFi protocol PancakeBunny was exploited for $45 million in $BUNNY tokens. Here's a look at what happened."
"A DeFi protocol called PancakeBunny was exploited last night. The attacker made off with $45 million. One of the things people like about crypto is that it’s mostly transparent. Ledgers keep a record of every transaction on a given blockchain, and so-called “block explorers” like BSCScan and Etherscan let you peruse the archives with a handy search function. Criminals have ways of obfuscating the paper trail—but when a large amount of money suddenly changes hands, people notice."
"A DeFi protocol called PancakeBunny was exploited last night. The attacker made off with $45 million. One of the things people like about crypto is that it’s mostly transparent. Ledgers keep a record of every transaction on a given blockchain, and so-called “block explorers” like BSCScan and Etherscan let you peruse the archives with a handy search function. Criminals have ways of obfuscating the paper trail—but when a large amount of money suddenly changes hands, people notice."
>"DeFi protocol PancakeBunny was exploited for $45 million in $BUNNY tokens. Here's a look at what happened."
>"DeFi protocol PancakeBunny was exploited for $45 million in $BUNNY tokens. Here's a look at what happened."
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.