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A community for the latest discussions about the cutting edge of crypto design, it's culture and significant crypto news. Decentralize everything. Check out our [Community Guidelines](https://relevant.community/crypto/post/6122269e61d1cd005a877277/62427d3ed587ad005b647828)
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"The digital dollar again appeared during a Senate hearing. However, it wasn't the focus of the hearing, but rather just another tool that can be used to maintain U.S. hegemony."
"The digital dollar again appeared during a Senate hearing. However, it wasn't the focus of the hearing, but rather just another tool that can be used to maintain U.S. hegemony."
The digital dollar again appeared during a Senate hearing. However, it wasn't the focus of the hearing, but rather just another tool that can be used to maintain U.S. hegemony."
The digital dollar again appeared during a Senate hearing. However, it wasn't the focus of the hearing, but rather just another tool that can be used to maintain U.S. hegemony."
Bad news for crypto economy
Bad news for crypto economy
security, scability and data privacy are three ascpects that are very important at enterprize level, can and how dollar digital handle this issues?
security, scability and data privacy are three ascpects that are very important at enterprize level, can and how dollar digital handle this issues?
CoinDesk is a news site specializing in bitcoin and digital currencies. The site was founded by Shakil Khan and was subsequently acquired by Digital Currency Group.
CoinDesk is a news site specializing in bitcoin and digital currencies. The site was founded by Shakil Khan and was subsequently acquired by Digital Currency Group.
Much of the hearing was about America’s economic relationship with China, and both nations’ economic relationships with the rest of the world.
Much of the hearing was about America’s economic relationship with China, and both nations’ economic relationships with the rest of the world.
A digital fiat is just another fraud to be used to subjugate the masses.. BLM? The proponents advertise so (such as through CNN, CNBC and FOX), however, their actions unequivocally say that they believe that only the lives of the elite matter... Let all of us human's rise to defeat this evil! This race/skin-color/religion/sex/whatever stuff is all complete BS! A basic strategy used by the wealthiest 13 banking families for more than 300 years to divide and conquer us all!
A digital fiat is just another fraud to be used to subjugate the masses.. BLM? The proponents advertise so (such as through CNN, CNBC and FOX), however, their actions unequivocally say that they believe that only the lives of the elite matter... Let all of us human's rise to defeat this evil! This race/skin-color/religion/sex/whatever stuff is all complete BS! A basic strategy used by the wealthiest 13 banking families for more than 300 years to divide and conquer us all!
The U.S. Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Subcommittee on Economic Policy conducted a hearing on “Winning the Economic Competition” between China and the U.S. on Wednesday. Once again, the idea of a Federal Reserve-administered central bank digital currency reared its head.
The U.S. Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Subcommittee on Economic Policy conducted a hearing on “Winning the Economic Competition” between China and the U.S. on Wednesday. Once again, the idea of a Federal Reserve-administered central bank digital currency reared its head.
This news is not good for cryptocurrency lovers but facts always turns hope for the best.
This news is not good for cryptocurrency lovers but facts always turns hope for the best.
With shares priced at $150,000, just $1,350,000 (or one-tenth of the target $13.5 million sale) were sold. Project insiders have previously said the sale would last only until the end of July. It now appears to be closed out for good.
With shares priced at $150,000, just $1,350,000 (or one-tenth of the target $13.5 million sale) were sold. Project insiders have previously said the sale would last only until the end of July. It now appears to be closed out for good.
There are understand crypto currency in USA in the symptom in the word
There are understand crypto currency in USA in the symptom in the word
Supremacy is the exact thing we don't need!
Supremacy is the exact thing we don't need!
Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.
Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.