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The post also details that the team was able to get to such a unique sound signature via a process which they call “additive synthesis”. Every transaction has a distinctive sound and therefore making every block composed of these transactions having its own “auditory fingerprint.” [#relevant](/crypto/new/relevant) [#howtoearn](/crypto/new/howtoearn) [#relevantcoin](/crypto/new/relevantcoin) [#Blockchain](/crypto/new/Blockchain) [#Bitcoin](/crypto/new/Bitcoin) [#Ethereum](/crypto/new/Ethereum) [#ethresearch](/crypto/new/ethresearch) [#project](/crypto/new/project) [#realworld](/crypto/new/realworld) [#projects](/crypto/new/projects)
The post also details that the team was able to get to such a unique sound signature via a process which they call “additive synthesis”. Every transaction has a distinctive sound and therefore making every block composed of these transactions having its own “auditory fingerprint.” [#relevant](/crypto/new/relevant) [#howtoearn](/crypto/new/howtoearn) [#relevantcoin](/crypto/new/relevantcoin) [#Blockchain](/crypto/new/Blockchain) [#Bitcoin](/crypto/new/Bitcoin) [#Ethereum](/crypto/new/Ethereum) [#ethresearch](/crypto/new/ethresearch) [#project](/crypto/new/project) [#realworld](/crypto/new/realworld) [#projects](/crypto/new/projects)
“Transactions are shown as crystals; height is value, brightness is spent output ratio. Each crystal creates sound based on value, spent outputs, and fee. Sounds are cycled through in the order the transactions were made.”
“Transactions are shown as crystals; height is value, brightness is spent output ratio. Each crystal creates sound based on value, spent outputs, and fee. Sounds are cycled through in the order the transactions were made.”
The visual interface shows validated transactions as concentric rings. Every transaction that is added causes the rings to extend outward like an expanding model of the physical universe. The Symphony 2.0 description gives a high-level summary of the project, stating:
The visual interface shows validated transactions as concentric rings. Every transaction that is added causes the rings to extend outward like an expanding model of the physical universe. The Symphony 2.0 description gives a high-level summary of the project, stating:
On top of all this, the project also plans to create a visual blockchain simulation for other networks like Ethereum and Cardano. In commenting on the importance of the project as a tool for greater education in blockchain, one of the users of the Cardano forum and an actual developer on Symphony 2.0 IOHK_Kevin said:
On top of all this, the project also plans to create a visual blockchain simulation for other networks like Ethereum and Cardano. In commenting on the importance of the project as a tool for greater education in blockchain, one of the users of the Cardano forum and an actual developer on Symphony 2.0 IOHK_Kevin said:
Bitcoin Blockchain <<< Upvote and reply<<<
Bitcoin Blockchain <<< Upvote and reply<<<
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