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A good explanation of the differences between the two prediction markets Gnosis and Augur are building. ”Building fully decentralized prediction markets opens a new set of design problems, but also new opportunities for their implementation. In the realm of applications on Ethereum, Gnosis and Augur are often referenced as building similar protocols. Here we’ll break down key differences between our approaches, as Gnosis focuses on producing a wide array of infrastructure and tooling to combat the unique challenges faced by decentralized prediction markets."
A good explanation of the differences between the two prediction markets Gnosis and Augur are building. ”Building fully decentralized prediction markets opens a new set of design problems, but also new opportunities for their implementation. In the realm of applications on Ethereum, Gnosis and Augur are often referenced as building similar protocols. Here we’ll break down key differences between our approaches, as Gnosis focuses on producing a wide array of infrastructure and tooling to combat the unique challenges faced by decentralized prediction markets."
Omen is a good platform, a lot of things decide liquidity , and this is a good competitor Augur
Omen is a good platform, a lot of things decide liquidity , and this is a good competitor Augur
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.