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Part 2: “Every time your original deposit ratio changes, it means you either have gained access or lost access to one side of your pair. It could be argued that you are selling one side of the pair in exchange for the other side of the pair. (a crypto to crypto exchange). Therefore, every time the ratio changes, a taxable event occurs. However, this will be virtually impossible to track because the ratio changes very frequently. One practical alternative is to tax when you remove your deposit.”
Part 2: “Every time your original deposit ratio changes, it means you either have gained access or lost access to one side of your pair. It could be argued that you are selling one side of the pair in exchange for the other side of the pair. (a crypto to crypto exchange). Therefore, every time the ratio changes, a taxable event occurs. However, this will be virtually impossible to track because the ratio changes very frequently. One practical alternative is to tax when you remove your deposit.”
I am still not conversant with uniswap am trying everything I could to understand how it works for swapping of token, thanks for sharing this information have a long way to do with my transaction in the nearest future
I am still not conversant with uniswap am trying everything I could to understand how it works for swapping of token, thanks for sharing this information have a long way to do with my transaction in the nearest future
Thanks for the info i have been trying to find a way for unsiwap trading tracking
Thanks for the info i have been trying to find a way for unsiwap trading tracking
i think many praying crypto to crypto will be gone and crypto to fiat will be sole taxable event.
i think many praying crypto to crypto will be gone and crypto to fiat will be sole taxable event.
>"There is no one set of tax law that directly governs Uniswaps. In the absence of more specific laws, we can infer applicable tax laws based on the general guidance issued by the IRS."
>"There is no one set of tax law that directly governs Uniswaps. In the absence of more specific laws, we can infer applicable tax laws based on the general guidance issued by the IRS."
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.