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Came across a REALLY cool project in Sardinia this weekend called Sardex. "Sardex is a regional business-to-business (B2B) "commercial credit circuit," or "credit club" - a members-only network that allows local Sardinian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to do business by extending each other euro-denominated credit rather than paying in cash." Really interesting example of p2p community economies. Apparently they aren't allowed to expand to the rest of Italy because it is a real competitor to the Italian Central Bank 🙊
Came across a REALLY cool project in Sardinia this weekend called Sardex. "Sardex is a regional business-to-business (B2B) "commercial credit circuit," or "credit club" - a members-only network that allows local Sardinian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to do business by extending each other euro-denominated credit rather than paying in cash." Really interesting example of p2p community economies. Apparently they aren't allowed to expand to the rest of Italy because it is a real competitor to the Italian Central Bank 🙊
Interesting! I spoke recently to one of the people who built Sardex about maybe helping them with some of their future plans 😊 I hadn’t heard of them before they reached out to me. Thank you for posting this 🙏 What are 2-3 aspects about the project that resonated with you?
Interesting! I spoke recently to one of the people who built Sardex about maybe helping them with some of their future plans 😊 I hadn’t heard of them before they reached out to me. Thank you for posting this 🙏 What are 2-3 aspects about the project that resonated with you?
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.