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This is a curve market maker-based price oracle! This is something that i've been thinking about for a while in the context of bonding curves. It makes perfect sense, and if you have the right parameters in place there is an incentive for arbitrageurs to have the oracle match the price on external markets. This has tons of applications and if it wasn't for Relevant I'd probably be working on something like this. One interesting application — a dynamic inflation rate tied to price. As the price increases, gradually increase the inflation rate to introduce some stability. This would work particularly well for utility tokens with some underlying value. Not sure a token is really necessary for this — can image the arbitrage incentive to be enough to make sure the price matches up, but maybe good additional incentive to add more security in low volatility scenarios.
This is a curve market maker-based price oracle! This is something that i've been thinking about for a while in the context of bonding curves. It makes perfect sense, and if you have the right parameters in place there is an incentive for arbitrageurs to have the oracle match the price on external markets. This has tons of applications and if it wasn't for Relevant I'd probably be working on something like this. One interesting application — a dynamic inflation rate tied to price. As the price increases, gradually increase the inflation rate to introduce some stability. This would work particularly well for utility tokens with some underlying value. Not sure a token is really necessary for this — can image the arbitrage incentive to be enough to make sure the price matches up, but maybe good additional incentive to add more security in low volatility scenarios.
Doesn't this already exist just using Uniswap? Or is it for prices of assets which strictly aren't available on-chain?
Doesn't this already exist just using Uniswap? Or is it for prices of assets which strictly aren't available on-chain?
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