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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69468 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
All the specs we know so far about Elon Musk's Tesla Bot, which remains to be seen ahead of a prototype planned for next year. >""There will be profound applications for the economy," Musk said about the bot's future capabilities. "In the future, physical work will be a choice.""
All the specs we know so far about Elon Musk's Tesla Bot, which remains to be seen ahead of a prototype planned for next year. >""There will be profound applications for the economy," Musk said about the bot's future capabilities. "In the future, physical work will be a choice.""
I’m not sure if I should be scared or excited about this. Either way, this will be a huge advance in tech.
I’m not sure if I should be scared or excited about this. Either way, this will be a huge advance in tech.
Looks like it was a joke. Aka Elon PR event. [https://www.theverge.com/2021/8/20/22633958/tesla-bot-elon-musk-ai-day](https://www.theverge.com/2021/8/20/22633958/tesla-bot-elon-musk-ai-day)
Looks like it was a joke. Aka Elon PR event. [https://www.theverge.com/2021/8/20/22633958/tesla-bot-elon-musk-ai-day](https://www.theverge.com/2021/8/20/22633958/tesla-bot-elon-musk-ai-day)
Ohhh wow. Why am I not surprised?
Ohhh wow. Why am I not surprised?
i think it was just a joke "The dancer in the suit, he said, was the model for a new humanoid robot Tesla will produce in the near future. After the dubstep and applause had faded, the vaguest of briefing slides promised that the Tesla Bot will stand five feet, eight inches (1.7m), weigh 125 pounds (56kg), have human-level hands, and eliminate dangerous, repetitive, boring tasks"
i think it was just a joke "The dancer in the suit, he said, was the model for a new humanoid robot Tesla will produce in the near future. After the dubstep and applause had faded, the vaguest of briefing slides promised that the Tesla Bot will stand five feet, eight inches (1.7m), weigh 125 pounds (56kg), have human-level hands, and eliminate dangerous, repetitive, boring tasks"
I read one more joke about this sir. Human will be not allow on mars ( elon says) 😂
I read one more joke about this sir. Human will be not allow on mars ( elon says) 😂
Saying right! This should be completely necessary.
Saying right! This should be completely necessary.
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.