A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69511 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69511 Members
We'll be adding more communities soon!
© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
So Space (Clubhouse challenge) and Super Follows are here.
So Space (Clubhouse challenge) and Super Follows are here.
Helping thinkers and creators get paid to create is important. However, I don’t want to see Twitter — such an incredible open source community — be divided into walled content gardens.
Helping thinkers and creators get paid to create is important. However, I don’t want to see Twitter — such an incredible open source community — be divided into walled content gardens.
i doubt it’ll hurt the platform that much. anybody who does this will just get unfollowed. who has a big enough ego to think that they’re tweets are worth a paid subscription?
i doubt it’ll hurt the platform that much. anybody who does this will just get unfollowed. who has a big enough ego to think that they’re tweets are worth a paid subscription?
I won't be paying for anybody's tweets. Not gonna happen. How many subscriptions can people honestly handle, anyway? Streaming services, news media, this, etc. Nah.
I won't be paying for anybody's tweets. Not gonna happen. How many subscriptions can people honestly handle, anyway? Streaming services, news media, this, etc. Nah.
I really feel sorry for Twitter and wish they’d find a way to make more profit from this app. The moment Google starts asking money for "Super Search" Bing is going to take its place. Twitter's about to drop its place and once it does there's no coming up again. Imagine paying all your top ten Twitter handle 4.99 even for a single month.
I really feel sorry for Twitter and wish they’d find a way to make more profit from this app. The moment Google starts asking money for "Super Search" Bing is going to take its place. Twitter's about to drop its place and once it does there's no coming up again. Imagine paying all your top ten Twitter handle 4.99 even for a single month.
Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.
Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.