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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69507 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
“A BILLIONAIRE PAYS ME to offset his carbon. He jets around the world while I do very little. Breach of contract includes: Watching TV Looking at the internet Driving a car Using a phone So mostly I just sit at home and read. Which is fine. That’s what I used to do anyway, before our partnership began, back when I was what statisticians would call a discouraged worker. Now I am encouraged! We have a good library system in town. I walk to the nearest branch, check out a stack of books, come home to my apartment and read. I eat raw food. My personal footprint is minimal.”
“A BILLIONAIRE PAYS ME to offset his carbon. He jets around the world while I do very little. Breach of contract includes: Watching TV Looking at the internet Driving a car Using a phone So mostly I just sit at home and read. Which is fine. That’s what I used to do anyway, before our partnership began, back when I was what statisticians would call a discouraged worker. Now I am encouraged! We have a good library system in town. I walk to the nearest branch, check out a stack of books, come home to my apartment and read. I eat raw food. My personal footprint is minimal.”
Okay, do you have any other fellow billionaires, I'd like to apply.
Okay, do you have any other fellow billionaires, I'd like to apply.
Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.
Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.