A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69478 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69478 Members
We'll be adding more communities soon!
© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
"Although many people in the Blind community welcome the advent of visual interpreter apps, we know that, like any technology, their consequences will ripple out in unpredictable ways. Will our data ever be acquired, exposed in a hack, or used against us in court? Will Blind people lean on interpretation at moments where learning nonvisual techniques for doing a task would be in our better interest? Will websites, museums, or shops ever construe the availability of remote interpreters as a panacea that erases their obligation to make themselves more natively accessible? Journalists covering the complications of ride-sharing, social networks, and the rest of the tech industry nonetheless tend to cover visual interpretation breathlessly and uncritically. There is conflict between my love for the liberatory moments enabled by these apps and my desire for them all to be more transparent, symmetrical, and fair in their engagement with the data of our daily lives."
"Although many people in the Blind community welcome the advent of visual interpreter apps, we know that, like any technology, their consequences will ripple out in unpredictable ways. Will our data ever be acquired, exposed in a hack, or used against us in court? Will Blind people lean on interpretation at moments where learning nonvisual techniques for doing a task would be in our better interest? Will websites, museums, or shops ever construe the availability of remote interpreters as a panacea that erases their obligation to make themselves more natively accessible? Journalists covering the complications of ride-sharing, social networks, and the rest of the tech industry nonetheless tend to cover visual interpretation breathlessly and uncritically. There is conflict between my love for the liberatory moments enabled by these apps and my desire for them all to be more transparent, symmetrical, and fair in their engagement with the data of our daily lives."
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