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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69478 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
Erin McCormick, Jamie Fullerton, Alastair Gee, Charlotte Simmonds, Bennett Murray, Carmela Fonbuena, Leonie Kijewski, Gökçe Saraçoğlu
Erin McCormick, Jamie Fullerton, Alastair Gee, Charlotte Simmonds, Bennett Murray, Carmela Fonbuena, Leonie Kijewski, Gökçe Saraçoğlu
“People don’t know what’s happening to their trash,” said Andrew Spicer, who teaches corporate social responsibility at the University of South Carolina and sits on his state’s recycling advisory board. “They think they’re saving the world. But the international recycling business sees it as a way of making money. There have been no global regulations – just a long, dirty market that allows some companies to take advantage of a world without rules.” [#plastic](/relevant/new/plastic) [#globalism](/relevant/new/globalism) [#trashwars](/relevant/new/trashwars)
“People don’t know what’s happening to their trash,” said Andrew Spicer, who teaches corporate social responsibility at the University of South Carolina and sits on his state’s recycling advisory board. “They think they’re saving the world. But the international recycling business sees it as a way of making money. There have been no global regulations – just a long, dirty market that allows some companies to take advantage of a world without rules.” [#plastic](/relevant/new/plastic) [#globalism](/relevant/new/globalism) [#trashwars](/relevant/new/trashwars)
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.