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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
Some people don’t understand how freedom of speech works. You are free to say what ever you want, but you should also be free to accept the consequences of your speech. The issue wasn’t that she exercised her freedom of speech, but what she said was false and was aimed at hurting Johnny. And that is what is illegal and what she is punished for. The same reason why being openly racist and enticing violence is also illegal. You are free to do it but hurting other people in doing so is what is illegal. With freedoms comes responsibilities.
Some people don’t understand how freedom of speech works. You are free to say what ever you want, but you should also be free to accept the consequences of your speech. The issue wasn’t that she exercised her freedom of speech, but what she said was false and was aimed at hurting Johnny. And that is what is illegal and what she is punished for. The same reason why being openly racist and enticing violence is also illegal. You are free to do it but hurting other people in doing so is what is illegal. With freedoms comes responsibilities.
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