A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69478 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69478 Members
We'll be adding more communities soon!
© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
Mike Solana turns his critical eye to the recent Will Smith thing, before discussing the "I support the current thing" meme in the context of a polarised digitally abused society. Ukraine is briefly touched upon before his finishes up with the Hunter Biden laptop censorship scandal. It's a humorous but also sharp look at some key recent internet trends. He doesn't miss a beat.
Mike Solana turns his critical eye to the recent Will Smith thing, before discussing the "I support the current thing" meme in the context of a polarised digitally abused society. Ukraine is briefly touched upon before his finishes up with the Hunter Biden laptop censorship scandal. It's a humorous but also sharp look at some key recent internet trends. He doesn't miss a beat.
>"pirate wires [#66](/relevant/new/66) // will smith kicks a hole through the discourse, embracing cartoon physics in the clown world, and how to believe in literally everything"
>"pirate wires [#66](/relevant/new/66) // will smith kicks a hole through the discourse, embracing cartoon physics in the clown world, and how to believe in literally everything"
>"pirate wires [#66](/relevant/new/66) // will smith kicks a hole through the discourse, embracing cartoon physics in the clown world, and how to believe in literally everything"
>"pirate wires [#66](/relevant/new/66) // will smith kicks a hole through the discourse, embracing cartoon physics in the clown world, and how to believe in literally everything"
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