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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
Why??? Greedy people!! financial aid during the pandemic was meant for middle-class Americans. But billionaires received money. "IRS records reveal that 18 billionaires and some 250 other ultrawealthy people received aid intended to help middle-class Americans."
Why??? Greedy people!! financial aid during the pandemic was meant for middle-class Americans. But billionaires received money. "IRS records reveal that 18 billionaires and some 250 other ultrawealthy people received aid intended to help middle-class Americans."
Not included in last week’s draft was a provision that would have directly affected the ability of billionaires to manipulate their incomes. A number of the billionaires who received stimulus checks were able to report negative incomes to the IRS despite getting richer. A “billionaire income tax” proposed by Wyden, would tax increases in wealth. Under the current system, gains are taxed only when they are “realized,” such as when someone sells stock.
Not included in last week’s draft was a provision that would have directly affected the ability of billionaires to manipulate their incomes. A number of the billionaires who received stimulus checks were able to report negative incomes to the IRS despite getting richer. A “billionaire income tax” proposed by Wyden, would tax increases in wealth. Under the current system, gains are taxed only when they are “realized,” such as when someone sells stock.
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