A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69519 Members
We'll be adding more communities soon!
© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
"Some poorer countries are paying more and waiting longer for the company's vaccine than the wealthy - if they have access at all. The Biden administration has grown increasingly frustrated with Moderna for not making its vaccine more available to poorer countries."
"Some poorer countries are paying more and waiting longer for the company's vaccine than the wealthy - if they have access at all. The Biden administration has grown increasingly frustrated with Moderna for not making its vaccine more available to poorer countries."
>"Some poorer countries are paying more and waiting longer for the company’s vaccine than the wealthy — if they have access at all."
>"Some poorer countries are paying more and waiting longer for the company’s vaccine than the wealthy — if they have access at all."
I said no such thing. If their subscription model works for them, then so be it. Journalism is in a tough spot in the internet age.Everyone is accustomed to the internet being, for the most part, free. Ads were introduced to produce some income and some people(especially the younger people) absolutely loathe that [model.So](http://model.So) they are trying a subscription model. I don't have the answers nor even the metrics to begin to propose a different system or even compare the two. We need level, honest journalism. I won't deny that fact. And they need revenue to accomplish that. But, hypocritically, I will never pay for a subscription as I also never paid to have the paper delivered.The value just personally isn't there for me. Especially if it ends up being several different subscriptions to different "papers". I'll also always have adblock installed. Largely due to the sometimes nefarious and almost always annoying way they implement the ads. Everything from screen jacking, pop ups, auto play videos, cookie tracking,ad injection and so on. I block all ads, no questions asked and I'll never whitelist unless it breaks the page. So they are caught in between a rock and a hard place. I'm sure I'm not the only person that refuses to either pay *or* be exposed to ads. And I understand my views on wanting good honest journalism and my refusal to pay a monthly subscription just to read a few articles a month for it are hypocritical.
I said no such thing. If their subscription model works for them, then so be it. Journalism is in a tough spot in the internet age.Everyone is accustomed to the internet being, for the most part, free. Ads were introduced to produce some income and some people(especially the younger people) absolutely loathe that [model.So](http://model.So) they are trying a subscription model. I don't have the answers nor even the metrics to begin to propose a different system or even compare the two. We need level, honest journalism. I won't deny that fact. And they need revenue to accomplish that. But, hypocritically, I will never pay for a subscription as I also never paid to have the paper delivered.The value just personally isn't there for me. Especially if it ends up being several different subscriptions to different "papers". I'll also always have adblock installed. Largely due to the sometimes nefarious and almost always annoying way they implement the ads. Everything from screen jacking, pop ups, auto play videos, cookie tracking,ad injection and so on. I block all ads, no questions asked and I'll never whitelist unless it breaks the page. So they are caught in between a rock and a hard place. I'm sure I'm not the only person that refuses to either pay *or* be exposed to ads. And I understand my views on wanting good honest journalism and my refusal to pay a monthly subscription just to read a few articles a month for it are hypocritical.
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.