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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
The same journalism organization that leaked the Panama Papers has uncovered a new trove of 11.9 million documents, dubbed the Pandora Papers, that contain explosive details about how global elites and billionaires hide their assets. Revelations from the leak included that a woman who gave birth to a child reportedly fathered by Russian President Vladimir Putin came to own a $4.1 million Monaco apartment and that Jordan’s King Abdullah II has bought $106 million worth of luxury properties around the world held by shell companies.
The same journalism organization that leaked the Panama Papers has uncovered a new trove of 11.9 million documents, dubbed the Pandora Papers, that contain explosive details about how global elites and billionaires hide their assets. Revelations from the leak included that a woman who gave birth to a child reportedly fathered by Russian President Vladimir Putin came to own a $4.1 million Monaco apartment and that Jordan’s King Abdullah II has bought $106 million worth of luxury properties around the world held by shell companies.
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