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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
Clever marketing gets us to think that we can “boost” our immune systems, but that’s not actually true. In some cases, we might actually be hurting ourselves in other ways… “Ironically, in some cases, products heralded to improve immune function can actually suppress it. Take vitamin D, touted for its ability to enhance “immunity.” While it may increase the inflammatory response, it has been shown to actually reduce the activity of other cell types—namely T cells, which are critical in forming long-term memory.”
Clever marketing gets us to think that we can “boost” our immune systems, but that’s not actually true. In some cases, we might actually be hurting ourselves in other ways… “Ironically, in some cases, products heralded to improve immune function can actually suppress it. Take vitamin D, touted for its ability to enhance “immunity.” While it may increase the inflammatory response, it has been shown to actually reduce the activity of other cell types—namely T cells, which are critical in forming long-term memory.”
Agreed. The statements about vitamin D in this article are simply incorrect. An article about immune health that is misinformation itself.
Agreed. The statements about vitamin D in this article are simply incorrect. An article about immune health that is misinformation itself.
Thanks sir really informative
Thanks sir really informative
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