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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
Is corporate America's reliance on China a national security threat?..add your comments 👇 -Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio said Wednesday that China has weaponized America's own "corporate lust for profits" against the U.S. -The Florida Republican warned that China’s threat to U.S. interests expands beyond corporate control and amounts to the "biggest illegal wealth transfer from one nation to another in the history of mankind." -The senator said that security concerns coming out of China amount to more than cyber and technological-based threats. China's influence affects Hollywood, university research, industrial policies, and startup companies, he warned.
Is corporate America's reliance on China a national security threat?..add your comments 👇 -Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio said Wednesday that China has weaponized America's own "corporate lust for profits" against the U.S. -The Florida Republican warned that China’s threat to U.S. interests expands beyond corporate control and amounts to the "biggest illegal wealth transfer from one nation to another in the history of mankind." -The senator said that security concerns coming out of China amount to more than cyber and technological-based threats. China's influence affects Hollywood, university research, industrial policies, and startup companies, he warned.
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