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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69501 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
The legal precedent - if it proceeds - would be staggering. Consider all the countries whose indigenous peoples have been displaced, harmed, killed or weakened by a state-sanctioned colonial construct. They'll be busy for 200 years.
The legal precedent - if it proceeds - would be staggering. Consider all the countries whose indigenous peoples have been displaced, harmed, killed or weakened by a state-sanctioned colonial construct. They'll be busy for 200 years.
The system of residential schools has been known shame for decades. That children suffered and died there has been a known fact. I am surprised that the details of these children’s lives (and deaths) were not made more public ten years ago when so many testified to these facts.
The system of residential schools has been known shame for decades. That children suffered and died there has been a known fact. I am surprised that the details of these children’s lives (and deaths) were not made more public ten years ago when so many testified to these facts.
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.