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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69513 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
Signals dynamics of discursive reconstruction of ideologico-political lines in post-Trump era. Much of that to come, hard to predict on which topics and which sides the transformations will happen. This particular topic is quite surprising since hatred towards migrants and even more so, refugees, has been a key factor among Trump supporters. It does mean that there is some room for change. "President Biden has promised to lift a Trump-era cap on the number of refugees allowed to resettle in the United States. And there are signs of growing support for refugees in unlikely places: largely rural, conservative states where the former president and his far-right immigration policies were popular."
Signals dynamics of discursive reconstruction of ideologico-political lines in post-Trump era. Much of that to come, hard to predict on which topics and which sides the transformations will happen. This particular topic is quite surprising since hatred towards migrants and even more so, refugees, has been a key factor among Trump supporters. It does mean that there is some room for change. "President Biden has promised to lift a Trump-era cap on the number of refugees allowed to resettle in the United States. And there are signs of growing support for refugees in unlikely places: largely rural, conservative states where the former president and his far-right immigration policies were popular."
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