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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69478 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
>"A massive underwater toxic waste site has long been suspected off the Southern California shore, since industrial companies used the ocean as a dumping ground until 1972. Now marine scientists have identified over 25,000 barrels they believe contain the toxic chemical "DDT" in the Pacific Ocean. Stephanie Sy talks to David Valentine, a UC Santa Barbara professor of microbiology, about the barrels." This is not exceptional. There are multitudes of dumping spots around the US east and gulf coasts and not all of them were marked. Some of them are just trash, some are munitions including chemical weapons. There are many of these around Europe also. Fishermen occasionally snag munitions or even chemical weapons. One crew was contaminated with mustard gas they pulled up near Cape Cod MA
>"A massive underwater toxic waste site has long been suspected off the Southern California shore, since industrial companies used the ocean as a dumping ground until 1972. Now marine scientists have identified over 25,000 barrels they believe contain the toxic chemical "DDT" in the Pacific Ocean. Stephanie Sy talks to David Valentine, a UC Santa Barbara professor of microbiology, about the barrels." This is not exceptional. There are multitudes of dumping spots around the US east and gulf coasts and not all of them were marked. Some of them are just trash, some are munitions including chemical weapons. There are many of these around Europe also. Fishermen occasionally snag munitions or even chemical weapons. One crew was contaminated with mustard gas they pulled up near Cape Cod MA
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