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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
>"A new message proves too toxic for the Republican Party."
>"A new message proves too toxic for the Republican Party."
A good piece on the background of this concept. For those new to this, this passage might be worth highlighting: “As historians have documented, it also influenced the ideology of Nazi Germany. Translated into law, it produced such horrifying artifacts as Virginia’s 1924 anti-miscegenation act, passed with the aid of the eugenicist Anglo-Saxon Clubs. The law required all babies to be classified as “white” or “colored” and made it a felony to “misrepresent” your racial background. The Nazi jurists studying American race laws in the 1930s thought such “one drop” rules were a bit too strict.”
A good piece on the background of this concept. For those new to this, this passage might be worth highlighting: “As historians have documented, it also influenced the ideology of Nazi Germany. Translated into law, it produced such horrifying artifacts as Virginia’s 1924 anti-miscegenation act, passed with the aid of the eugenicist Anglo-Saxon Clubs. The law required all babies to be classified as “white” or “colored” and made it a felony to “misrepresent” your racial background. The Nazi jurists studying American race laws in the 1930s thought such “one drop” rules were a bit too strict.”
Why you guys do hate from black people. We too are human and expects love from others not attacks and hate. In my life, I have faced a lots of discrimination just because of color that things make me sad. Democrats voted to continue to allow universities to discriminate against black people. I’d love for someone to explain to me how that’s not racist.
Why you guys do hate from black people. We too are human and expects love from others not attacks and hate. In my life, I have faced a lots of discrimination just because of color that things make me sad. Democrats voted to continue to allow universities to discriminate against black people. I’d love for someone to explain to me how that’s not racist.
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.