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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69471 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
Richard Hofstadter was no doubt right and prescient in his 1964 piece in Harper's regarding the "paranoid streak in American politics". This paranoia was yet again manifested in the Trump Administration (2016-20). Q-Anon adherents, gun freaks, racists, anti-Semites, birthers, anti-immigrants, and right-wing neo-fascists. This is what constituted the four year interregnum of the Trump Administration. Now the Biden Administration must try to right the ship and rectify all of this stuff. As an American citizen, I am hoping and praying for a return to normalcy for our great, or once great, nation. Godspeed to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris!
Richard Hofstadter was no doubt right and prescient in his 1964 piece in Harper's regarding the "paranoid streak in American politics". This paranoia was yet again manifested in the Trump Administration (2016-20). Q-Anon adherents, gun freaks, racists, anti-Semites, birthers, anti-immigrants, and right-wing neo-fascists. This is what constituted the four year interregnum of the Trump Administration. Now the Biden Administration must try to right the ship and rectify all of this stuff. As an American citizen, I am hoping and praying for a return to normalcy for our great, or once great, nation. Godspeed to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris!
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