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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69468 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
"Resisting a push for regulation and protective of right-wing extremism, the social media giant is making fake concessions that only increase its power." The Trump presidency will be remembered as the era when the absurdity of reality outpaced satire. Even with Trump out of the White House, it’s hard for any caricature to be quite as grotesque as what actually happens.
"Resisting a push for regulation and protective of right-wing extremism, the social media giant is making fake concessions that only increase its power." The Trump presidency will be remembered as the era when the absurdity of reality outpaced satire. Even with Trump out of the White House, it’s hard for any caricature to be quite as grotesque as what actually happens.
>"Resisting a push for regulation and protective of right-wing extremism, the social media giant is making fake concessions that only increase its power."
>"Resisting a push for regulation and protective of right-wing extremism, the social media giant is making fake concessions that only increase its power."
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.