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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
>Braving widespread crackdowns, students across Turkey have intensified their mobilizations against the state attack on the autonomy of academic institutions. "The protests began on January 4 against the undemocratic appointment of Erdogan-loyalist Melih Bulu as the institution’s rector. Students and activists across the country have hit the streets in solidarity with students of Boğaziçi University. Citing the usage of LGBT flags and symbols in the protests, Erdogan has categorized the protesters as ‘terrorists’ and LGBT people who lack Turkey’s “national and spiritual values.” On February 6, Erdogan had also issued a presidential decree with a number of new steps, including the appointment of 11 new rectors in different universities in Turkey, and to establish a Law and Communication Faculty in Boğaziçi University and Faculty of Medicine and Health Services Vocational School in the Turkish-controlled region in Aleppo, Syria."
>Braving widespread crackdowns, students across Turkey have intensified their mobilizations against the state attack on the autonomy of academic institutions. "The protests began on January 4 against the undemocratic appointment of Erdogan-loyalist Melih Bulu as the institution’s rector. Students and activists across the country have hit the streets in solidarity with students of Boğaziçi University. Citing the usage of LGBT flags and symbols in the protests, Erdogan has categorized the protesters as ‘terrorists’ and LGBT people who lack Turkey’s “national and spiritual values.” On February 6, Erdogan had also issued a presidential decree with a number of new steps, including the appointment of 11 new rectors in different universities in Turkey, and to establish a Law and Communication Faculty in Boğaziçi University and Faculty of Medicine and Health Services Vocational School in the Turkish-controlled region in Aleppo, Syria."
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