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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69471 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
>You cannot beat the capitalist elite at their own game. "Beyond the distraction of the short squeeze story, a bigger issue is gathering. Fuelled by the massive creation of money which has gone into overdrive during the recent pandemic, the stock market has entered even bigger bubble territory and is increasingly threatening a crash. Recently massive names such as Apple and Facebook issued great earning reports which previously would have sent their stocks to greater heights, but instead resulted in falls. The short squeeze has only added to growing doubts about the future of a decade-long rally. The main point this hammers home is that there are no capitalist solutions for the overwhelming majority, the working-class majority. A few may, by luck and judgement, manage to press the right buttons at the right time and make some money on the markets, but we can say the same about gambling in general. The majority do not have the resources nor the information which will allow them to make fortunes investing. Come the downturns which inevitably arise, the little players are forced to sell, and the big players dive in. The law of capitalism is concentration, every crash is an opportunity for the elite to make a killing. The current pandemic is no exception. The dream of “popular” capitalism crashes on the material reality which offers no level playing field. Assets and resources, be they stocks, houses, gold, Bitcoin, whatever, are inevitably torn out of the hands of the bit players who are forced to sell to survive every time capitalism crashes; crashes which occur on average less than a decade apart and devastate the majority whilst the richest can repeatedly weather the storm, buy cheap and become ever wealthier. Such is the law of the concentration of capital. The latest chapter of disaster capitalism has perfectly illustrated this..."
>You cannot beat the capitalist elite at their own game. "Beyond the distraction of the short squeeze story, a bigger issue is gathering. Fuelled by the massive creation of money which has gone into overdrive during the recent pandemic, the stock market has entered even bigger bubble territory and is increasingly threatening a crash. Recently massive names such as Apple and Facebook issued great earning reports which previously would have sent their stocks to greater heights, but instead resulted in falls. The short squeeze has only added to growing doubts about the future of a decade-long rally. The main point this hammers home is that there are no capitalist solutions for the overwhelming majority, the working-class majority. A few may, by luck and judgement, manage to press the right buttons at the right time and make some money on the markets, but we can say the same about gambling in general. The majority do not have the resources nor the information which will allow them to make fortunes investing. Come the downturns which inevitably arise, the little players are forced to sell, and the big players dive in. The law of capitalism is concentration, every crash is an opportunity for the elite to make a killing. The current pandemic is no exception. The dream of “popular” capitalism crashes on the material reality which offers no level playing field. Assets and resources, be they stocks, houses, gold, Bitcoin, whatever, are inevitably torn out of the hands of the bit players who are forced to sell to survive every time capitalism crashes; crashes which occur on average less than a decade apart and devastate the majority whilst the richest can repeatedly weather the storm, buy cheap and become ever wealthier. Such is the law of the concentration of capital. The latest chapter of disaster capitalism has perfectly illustrated this..."
>"You cannot beat the capitalist elite at their own game."
>"You cannot beat the capitalist elite at their own game."
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