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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69468 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
>"The elite conservative world saw the Missouri senator as America’s next great statesman. Instead, he’s revealed uncomfortable truths about the movement."
>"The elite conservative world saw the Missouri senator as America’s next great statesman. Instead, he’s revealed uncomfortable truths about the movement."
The elite conservative world saw the Missouri senator as America’s next great statesman. Instead, he’s revealed uncomfortable truths about the movement.
The elite conservative world saw the Missouri senator as America’s next great statesman. Instead, he’s revealed uncomfortable truths about the movement.
The elite conservative world saw the Missouri senator as America’s next great statesman. Instead, he’s revealed uncomfortable truths about the movement.
The elite conservative world saw the Missouri senator as America’s next great statesman. Instead, he’s revealed uncomfortable truths about the movement.
To my reading, this a sly absolution of Hawley. It points many of his wrongs but absolves him of his most grievous sins. Why? In elite salons, Hawley is still their kind of man. They don’t mind his runaway ambition but they need him to be more genteel.
To my reading, this a sly absolution of Hawley. It points many of his wrongs but absolves him of his most grievous sins. Why? In elite salons, Hawley is still their kind of man. They don’t mind his runaway ambition but they need him to be more genteel.
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.