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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69470 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
Who is actually manipulating the market at this point? Everyday people who saw Hedgefunds making a poor short position or the companies and Wall Street people who are actively preventing people from capitilizing on the mistake. This is what market manipulation looks like.
Who is actually manipulating the market at this point? Everyday people who saw Hedgefunds making a poor short position or the companies and Wall Street people who are actively preventing people from capitilizing on the mistake. This is what market manipulation looks like.
Restricting the trading of stocks for “volatility” makes no sense. The stock market is volatile by its nature. This is a bad move on your part unless the SEC freezes trading on these stocks. It looks like you are manipulating the market.
Restricting the trading of stocks for “volatility” makes no sense. The stock market is volatile by its nature. This is a bad move on your part unless the SEC freezes trading on these stocks. It looks like you are manipulating the market.
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.