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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69468 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
"Until last week, too many in the Republican Party thought they could preach the Constitution and wink at QAnon. They can’t."
"Until last week, too many in the Republican Party thought they could preach the Constitution and wink at QAnon. They can’t."
“If the GOP is to have a future outside the fever dreams of internet trolls, we have to call out falsehoods and conspiracy theories unequivocally. We have to repudiate people who peddle those lies.”
“If the GOP is to have a future outside the fever dreams of internet trolls, we have to call out falsehoods and conspiracy theories unequivocally. We have to repudiate people who peddle those lies.”
Eisenhower would be disgusted by Sasse's lack of courage and action over the last 4 years. Ben's fantasy that political figures of the past, whether the founding fathers or guys like Ike, would like him is a real piece of delusion.
Eisenhower would be disgusted by Sasse's lack of courage and action over the last 4 years. Ben's fantasy that political figures of the past, whether the founding fathers or guys like Ike, would like him is a real piece of delusion.
>"Until last week, too many in the Republican Party thought they could preach the Constitution and wink at QAnon. They can’t."
>"Until last week, too many in the Republican Party thought they could preach the Constitution and wink at QAnon. They can’t."
 Eugene goodman is an American hero. At a pivotal moment on January 6, the veteran United States Capitol Police officer single-handedly prevented untold bloodshed. Staring down an angry, advancing mob, he retreated up a marble staircase, calmly wielding his baton to delay his pursuers while calling out their position to his fellow officers. At the top of the steps, still alone and standing just a few yards from the chamber where senators and Vice President Mike Pence had been certifying the Electoral College’s vote, Goodman strategically lured dozens of the mayhem-minded away from an unguarded door to the Senate floor.
 Eugene goodman is an American hero. At a pivotal moment on January 6, the veteran United States Capitol Police officer single-handedly prevented untold bloodshed. Staring down an angry, advancing mob, he retreated up a marble staircase, calmly wielding his baton to delay his pursuers while calling out their position to his fellow officers. At the top of the steps, still alone and standing just a few yards from the chamber where senators and Vice President Mike Pence had been certifying the Electoral College’s vote, Goodman strategically lured dozens of the mayhem-minded away from an unguarded door to the Senate floor.
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.