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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69514 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
>"Tim Berners-Lee wants to put people in control of their personal data. He has technology and a start-up pursuing that goal. Can he succeed?"
>"Tim Berners-Lee wants to put people in control of their personal data. He has technology and a start-up pursuing that goal. Can he succeed?"
This standardizes protocols to data access to create a free internet with data interoperability. Users are without agency if they don't own their data; this control over their data should be viewed as a right. Companies would access data in the same way an API gets called.
This standardizes protocols to data access to create a free internet with data interoperability. Users are without agency if they don't own their data; this control over their data should be viewed as a right. Companies would access data in the same way an API gets called.
“His answer to the problem is technology that gives individuals more power. The goal, he said, is to move toward “the web that I originally wanted.”
“His answer to the problem is technology that gives individuals more power. The goal, he said, is to move toward “the web that I originally wanted.”
Agreed,. Even more curious to see how Big Tech works with this. Is there a paper / article that more precisely explains how their data marketplace is meant to work, e.g., a mechanism design / game theory analysis? Or are they too dependent on more regulation?
Agreed,. Even more curious to see how Big Tech works with this. Is there a paper / article that more precisely explains how their data marketplace is meant to work, e.g., a mechanism design / game theory analysis? Or are they too dependent on more regulation?
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