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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69478 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
Democrats need to see beyond an electoral map to acknowledge the folks pushing for liberal ideas even in the reddest of areas.
Democrats need to see beyond an electoral map to acknowledge the folks pushing for liberal ideas even in the reddest of areas.
"Democrats need to see beyond an electoral map to acknowledge the folks pushing for liberal ideas even in the reddest of areas."
"Democrats need to see beyond an electoral map to acknowledge the folks pushing for liberal ideas even in the reddest of areas."
>"Democrats need to see beyond an electoral map to acknowledge that people are pushing for liberal ideas even in the reddest of areas."
>"Democrats need to see beyond an electoral map to acknowledge that people are pushing for liberal ideas even in the reddest of areas."
>"Democrats need to see beyond an electoral map to acknowledge that people are pushing for liberal ideas even in the reddest of areas."
>"Democrats need to see beyond an electoral map to acknowledge that people are pushing for liberal ideas even in the reddest of areas."
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.