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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69519 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
It was a mistake that cost 300,000 lives.
It was a mistake that cost 300,000 lives.
A great piece on the (Western) history of “Anticontagionism,” along with a supposition that, for me, sums up why our system has failed so badly with the pandemic response: “As always, the problem with utilitarianism is defining what’s actually good, though. Is it … money? Is public health more important than the global economy? How do you even do that math?” The answer is... yes, public health is more important. Yet, even taking a moment to deliberate that issue results in people dying.
A great piece on the (Western) history of “Anticontagionism,” along with a supposition that, for me, sums up why our system has failed so badly with the pandemic response: “As always, the problem with utilitarianism is defining what’s actually good, though. Is it … money? Is public health more important than the global economy? How do you even do that math?” The answer is... yes, public health is more important. Yet, even taking a moment to deliberate that issue results in people dying.
>"It was a mistake that cost 300,000 lives."
>"It was a mistake that cost 300,000 lives."
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.