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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69513 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
Thanks to Mitch McConnell’s obstructionism, cash-strapped state and local governments will not receive any more federal aid and will be forced to cut crucial programs for the public. Among those on the chopping block: —Washington state will cut its interpreter services, hospice care, and dental care for Medicaid patients —Kansas cut mental health programs from its education budget —Wyoming cut programs for infants and children with developmental disabilities —Virginia instituted a government hiring freeze that has caused major delays for new applicants of food stamps And that’s not to mention the critical role state and local governments play in the distribution of food stamps, unemployment benefits, health care, and direct aid to struggling families. As demand for these crucial services has skyrocketed, states’ resources to meet the new demand have dried up. As a result, state assistance offices are backlogged, aid programs are suspended, and countless families are on the brink of devastation. The responsibility for this catastrophe rests squarely on the shoulders of Mitch McConnell.
Thanks to Mitch McConnell’s obstructionism, cash-strapped state and local governments will not receive any more federal aid and will be forced to cut crucial programs for the public. Among those on the chopping block: —Washington state will cut its interpreter services, hospice care, and dental care for Medicaid patients —Kansas cut mental health programs from its education budget —Wyoming cut programs for infants and children with developmental disabilities —Virginia instituted a government hiring freeze that has caused major delays for new applicants of food stamps And that’s not to mention the critical role state and local governments play in the distribution of food stamps, unemployment benefits, health care, and direct aid to struggling families. As demand for these crucial services has skyrocketed, states’ resources to meet the new demand have dried up. As a result, state assistance offices are backlogged, aid programs are suspended, and countless families are on the brink of devastation. The responsibility for this catastrophe rests squarely on the shoulders of Mitch McConnell.
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